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Leave A Gift In Your Will

Your promise to animals in need, helps us to be there for them in the future.

The compassion you show in life can have a lasting impact. By leaving a gift in your Will to support SoCares, you are helping to create a brighter future for animals in need.

A bequest is a gift left in your will and can be either a specific amount or a residual portion of your estate. Sample wording for each type of bequest is provided below but we advise you to seek professional legal advice to confirm the correct expression of intent in any new or existing wills.

A Residual Bequest is gifting what is left in your estate after money and other items have been distributed with family and close friends.

Suggested Wording:

I give the rest and residue of my estate both real and personal to SOCARES (Society Of Companion Animal Rescuers) ABN 22 106 398 721 for its general purposes, free of all duties and encumbrances and declare that the receipt of an authorised officer at the time being, shall be sufficient discharge of my executor’s duty.

A Percentage Bequest is gifting a percentage value of your entire estate without identifying specific items of value.

Suggested Wording:

I give ___% of my Estate to SOCARES (Society Of Companion Animal Rescuers) ABN 22 106 398 721  for its general purposes, free of all duties and encumbrances and declare that the receipt of an authorised officer at the time being, shall be sufficient discharge of my executor’s duty.

A Specific Request is gifting a sum of money, property shares or any other items of value you nominate.

Suggested Wording:

I give $___ to SOCARES (Society Of Companion Animal Rescuers) ABN 22 106 398 721 for its general purposes, free of all duties and encumbrances and declare that the receipt of an authorised officer at the time being, shall be sufficient discharge of my executor’s duty.

You can also ask that donations to SOCARES be made in your name instead of flowers at your memorial service.

Please seek legal advice on including or changing this wording in your Will, to make sure that your wishes are legally binding.

The creation of a Will has traditionally been perceived as a costly and time-consuming process, discouraging countless individuals from fulfilling this crucial task that ensures the well-being of their loved ones and allows their values and passions to continue beyond their lifetime.


SOCARES has partnered with ‘Willed’, an online platform that enables you to complete your legally binding Will in a few simple steps, from the comfort of your own home.


Willed was developed by a team of lawyers, technology experts, and most importantly, individuals who understand the importance of simplifying end-of-life planning. By using this online Will platform, you can save valuable time, money, and alleviate unnecessary stress.


When you create your Will, you will have the opportunity to express whether you wish to leave a charitable gift. Once your family and friends are cared for, you may wish to leave a percentage of your estate, or a specific nominated amount, to SOCARES..


To find out more information and begin the process of completing your online Will, please click here –

We’ve Partnered With Willed

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